Reportable Weather Conditions (Criteria)

SulCom Summer/Convective Weather Program


Effective February 23, 2019

Spotters are to report all conditions using the guidance provided below.

Field Teams are to forward the spotter reports to Sullivan Weather using the guidance provided below.



Criteria Types

The conditions and pro-words in RED text (numbered 1 through 7) normally trigger or verify a warning (“severe criteria.”)

The conditions and pro-words in BROWN text (numbered 8 through 13), although important, are considered residual (“minor criteria.”)

Inbound Data Statuses (When Sullivan Weather Voice Comms are Active on the Backbone and as Specified by Sullivan Weather)

a.     “All Valid Criteria” (NOTE:  This is the Default State on the Active Backbone Channels Unless Otherwise Directed By Sullivan Weather)

Reports for Criteria 1 through 13 should be submitted from the field team to Sullivan Weather immediately through their relay station using established SulCom Backbone communications channels and protocols.

Priority is in the Order Shown


b.    “Severe Criteria Only” (NOTE:  As Directed By Sullivan Weather)

Reports for Criteria 1 through 7 should be submitted from the field team to Sullivan Weather immediately through their relay station using established SulCom Backbone communications channels and protocols.
Reports for Criteria 8 through 13 should be reported from the field team to Sullivan Weather using established digital modes and protocols.

Priority is in the Order Shown



The meteorologists may require reports for conditions that are not usually considered severe, or may not even be on this list.

The conditions and thresholds provided below are defaults for all events/incidents unless directed otherwise during the course of the event/incident.
Sullivan Weather will provide guidance as needed during the activity/incident being supported for all cases.

Severe Criteria and Pro-Words (In Order of Priority)

Reports are Submitted via Voice on the Backbone Resources Using the Tools and Methods Specified


Tornado (Waterspout if event is known to be on a body of water)



include the general direction that spotter is looking using the 16-point compass format (North-Northeast, South-Southwest, etc.) in addition to the spotter’s location




Funnel Cloud



include the general direction that spotter is looking using the 16-point compass format (North-Northeast, South-Southwest, etc.) in addition to the spotter’s location



Rotating Wall Cloud



confirm that it is rotating



include the general direction that spotter is looking using the 16-point compass format (North-Northeast, South-Southwest, etc.) in addition to the spotter’s location



Severe Damage



tree branches greater than 3” dia. snapped, trees uprooted




any structural damage to buildings (includes roof damage)




bent, snapped or collapsed light poles or traffic lights




downed power lines




crop damage




cave-ins and mud slides




sink holes




Severe Winds







indicate if speed is measured or estimated, but measured is always preferred




Severe Hail



1 INCH OR GREATER (in numeric values only)




indicate if hail size is measured or estimated, but measured is always preferred




Severe Flooding



water over river banks or dams




roads, bridges, or railroads washed out




impassable or closed roads




water out of banks that causes property damage

What are the Impacts?  Include Data Driven Specifics where possible



Click here for the Difference Between Flooding and Severe Flooding

Minor Criteria, Pro-Words and Method of Reporting (In Order of Priority)

a.     When “All Valid Criteria” is Specified on Backbone

Reports are Submitted via Voice on the Backbone Resources Using the Tools and Methods Specified




b.    When “Severe Criteria Only” is Specified on Backbone

1.      Reports are submitted via Standard Social Media Tools and methods specified (preference is in the order shown)




2.      If the Standard Social Media Tools above are not available, use the following tools and methods specified (preference is in the order shown)

E-mail to Comms Desk

Note:  Field teams that collect many reports of similar minor criteria should contact Sullivan Weather on-air for guidance.



Minor Hail



¾ INCH TO 7/8 INCH (in numeric values only)




indicate if hail size is measured or estimated, but measured is always preferred




anything less than ¾ inch should not be reported unless asked to do so by Sullivan Weather




Minor Damage



any cosmetic damage to buildings & vehicles




tree branches less than 3” dia. snapped causing power line damage or cosmetic damage to buildings & vehicles




Minor Flooding



water out of banks but confined to low lands and bottom lands (not impacting buildings) at uncommon locations




water on the roads at uncommon locations







less than 1/2 mile




Indicate if due to precipitation, fog, blowing dirt or smoke







measured amounts equal to or exceeding the rate of 1/2" per 30 minutes measured over at least 30 minutes (i. e., a measured rate greater than 1" per hour)




If possible, indicate the start time and the end time of the measurement period (i. e., “measured between 11:05am and 11:25am”)




Minor Winds



40 mph to 57 mph




indicate if speed is measured or estimated, but measured is always preferred




anything less than 40 mph should not be reported unless asked to do so by Sullivan Weather



Revision History

Rev. Number           Date                       Comment                                                                           

1                            23 August 2010       Revised Text in Opening Paragraphs

2                            1 March 2011          Pro-word revisions, example revisions, general formatting changes

3                            22 March 2014        Added Inbound Data Statuses, Changed Wording on Electronic Submission Methods

4                            24 Feb 2019            Minor Flooding: “Removed Water over Curb” as reportable,

                                                            added “at uncommon locations” to existing guidance

                                                            Rainfall:  revised measurement value and duration of measurement period

                                                            Severe Flooding:  Added “Data Driven Impacts” inquiry