Standard Winter Weather Procedure
Now that the winter weather event has been observed, it is now time for the information to be reported. The Sullivan Committee provides three methods to report data to the Forecast Office: Packet Radio, WFO MKX Internet Web Form, and Email.

Unlike Summer's program, Winter activities will not use an Amateur Radio operator at the forecast office operating VHF voice communication. The primary reporting method will be through Packet Radio. When making your reports, please provide a means for staff to contact you if they have questions, such as a phone number, or an email address.

First, Determine if the weather qualifies as reportable.
There is a variety of Winter Weather observed in Wisconsin. Please check our Criteria page, to ensure that what you observed has been requested by the WFO MKX. Also, check out the Measuring page, for information concerning how to properly measure a winter snow / sleet event.

Second, Format your message using the proper style.
Just like our Summer Program, we utilize a system of TLCS -- Time Location, Condition, and Source. Please format your report as described on our Winter TLCS page, so that your report flows smoothly with other submitted reports, and accuracy is maintained across the system.

Third, Determine how you will submit the report.
Unlike our Summer Program, the Winter program does not feature Amateur staff at the WFO MKX during Winter events. Thus, the field reports may not be made over voice directly to the WFO MKX (although local nets could form over voice channels, and the local net official submits the report electronically). The Committee has designed three electronic methods for report submission: Packet (the preferred one), an Internet Web Form, and an Email submission.

Submission via Packet Radio.

Packet radio serves as the best means to transmit winter weather data to the WFO MKX. A winter storm may disrupt internet and telephone communications, but the packet radio system will remain on the air at the WFO MKX office ready for your report. The meteorologists will receive your report via a printer, and be able to review it once the message has been received.

The only deviation from the Summer program is that we would like all of the observed conditions in one report. The Summer program requests that you report one condition per transmission package... the Winter program requests that you report all of your conditions in one packet email. For instance, if high winds and whiteout conditions are observed, please put both observations in one packet report.

Please click on the packet map to the left for packet submission instructions.

Link to Winter Packet Procedures
Submission via MKX Internet Web Form.

Non-amateurs should use the following web page to submit their reports. Please fill out the form as completely as possible, and include your contact information in the lower "Misc. Comments" section of the form.

Please either click on the form to the left, or on the link below.

Link to Internet Form
Submission via Internet Email.

This method should be considered a last resort, as the user who receives the information my be out on vacation, or perhaps not able to report to the office due to weather-related conditions.

When sending an emailed response, please follow the above TLCS instructions discussed above.

Please send the text-based email to:

Link to Mail Rusty
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